

  1. 2025tACS.png
    Utilizing tACS to enhance memory confidence and EEG to predict individual differences in brain stimulation efficacy
    Syanah C Wynn, Tom R. Marshall, and Erika Nyhus
    Imaging Neuroscience, 2025


  1. 2024SEM.jpg
    Spatiotemporal Properties of Common Semantic Categories for Words and Pictures
    Yulia Bezsudnova, Andrew J Quinn, Syanah C Wynn, and Ole Jensen
    Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 2024
  2. 2024EEG.jpg
    The role of theta and gamma oscillations in item memory, source memory, and memory confidence
    Syanah C Wynn, Christopher D Townsend, and Erika Nyhus
    Psychophysiology, 2024


  1. 2022MFT.jpg
    Midfrontal theta is associated with errors, but no evidence for a link with error-related memory
    Xiaochen Y Zheng, and Syanah C Wynn
    Neuroimage: Reports, 2022
  2. 2022NAV.jpg
    Theta oscillations support active exploration in human spatial navigation
    Elizabeth R Chrastil, Caroline Rice, Mathias Goncalves, Kylie N Moore, Syanah C Wynn, Chantal E Stern, and 1 more author
    NeuroImage, 2022
  3. 2022SLE.jpg
    Assessing corticospinal excitability and reaching hand choice during whole-body motion
    Leonie Oostwoud Wijdenes, Syanah C Wynn, Béla S Roesink, Dennis JLG Schutter, Luc PJ Selen, and W Pieter Medendorp
    Journal of Neurophysiology, 2022
  4. 2022REV.jpg
    Brain activity patterns underlying memory confidence
    Syanah C Wynn, and Erika Nyhus
    European Journal of Neuroscience, 2022


  1. 2020DIS.jpg
    Alpha modulation in younger and older adults during distracted encoding
    Syanah C Wynn, Erika Nyhus, and Ole Jensen
    European Journal of Neuroscience, 2020
  2. 2020TAC.jpg
    Effects of parietal exogenous oscillatory field potentials on subjectively perceived memory confidence
    Syanah C Wynn, Roy PC Kessels, and Dennis JLG Schutter
    Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 2020
  3. 2020EEG.jpg
    Electrocortical indices of subjectively perceived confidence in episodic memory
    Syanah C Wynn, Roy PC Kessels, and Dennis JLG Schutter
    International Journal of Psychophysiology, 2020


  1. 2019CER.jpg
    Cerebellar transcranial direct current stimulation improves reactive response inhibition in healthy volunteers
    Syanah C Wynn, Josi MA Driessen, Jeffrey C Glennon, Inti A Brazil, and Dennis JLG Schutter
    The Cerebellum, 2019
  2. 2019EEG.jpg
    The electrophysiology of subjectively perceived memory confidence in relation to recollection and familiarity
    Syanah C Wynn, Sander M Daselaar, Roy PC Kessels, and Dennis JLG Schutter
    Brain and Cognition, 2019


  1. 2018TMS.jpg
    The posterior parietal cortex and subjectively perceived confidence during memory retrieval
    Syanah C Wynn, Marc PH Hendriks, Sander M Daselaar, Roy PC Kessels, and Dennis JLG Schutter
    Learning & Memory, 2018


  1. 2014PES.jpg
    Post-error slowing as a consequence of disturbed low-frequency oscillatory phase entrainment
    Ruud L Brink, Syanah C Wynn, and Sander Nieuwenhuis
    Journal of Neuroscience, 2014